Pri majeri 17, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovakia


Q-PRODUCTS - A company in the field of industrial, mobile computer applications
120 kWp
400 kWh
540 kWh
83 Tonnen
CO2 Ersparnis pro Jahr
Energiekosten Ersparnis pro Jahr

Project requirement: Sustainable energy solutions

Junison GmbH successfully implemented a project for q-products aimed at improving the energy infrastructure. The main phases of the project included the installation of an energy storage container, which almost doubled the plant's energy capacity.


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Innovative energy strategy and implementation

One of the most important achievements of the project was ensuring efficient energy operation during peak shaving. This made it possible to optimize energy consumption in times of increased demand, which in turn led to resource savings and the optimization of production processes.

As part of the project, Junison GmbH also implemented modern software based on artificial intelligence (AI) to enable the study and monitoring of the energy management system. This allows not only the collection and analysis of data, but also a timely response to changes in energy consumption in order to ensure optimum efficiency and stability of q-products' energy infrastructure.


Cost efficiency and environmental benefits

As part of the project, Junison GmbH also implemented modern software based on artificial intelligence (AI) to enable the study and monitoring of the energy management system. This allows not only the collection and analysis of data, but also a timely response to changes in energy consumption in order to ensure optimum efficiency and stability of q-products' energy infrastructure.


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Take the step towards sustainable energy — we're ready!

Increasing energy efficiency and reducing costs? Contact us now for a custom solution.